Ecocide law for an Economy within Planetary Boundaries
Jonas Roupé and Professor Vala Krístin Ragnarsdottír // Schumacher Institute, Well being Economy Alliance and End Ecocide Sweden // 2023
Ecocide Law for the Paris Agreement – The role of Ecocide Law in limiting global warming
Jonas Roupé and Professor Vala Kristín Ragnarsdottír //End Ecocide Sweden and The Schumacher Institute // 2022
Artificial Intelligence in Service to Life on Earth – Ecocide law as a framework for governance
Jonas Roupé // End Ecocide Sweden // 2022
Increased use of secondary building materials; analysis work for RE:Source.
Secondary Building Materials, obstacles and impact // Sekundära Byggmaterial
Secondary Building Materials, users perspective // Sekundära Byggmaterial
This white paper outlines the pioneering efforts of The Swedish Tyre Industry (Svensk Däckåvvinning) in their pursuit of sustainability within and beyond the tyre industry. If these principles are applied by more sectors of society, our resource challenges can be alleviated. Most – if not all – of the environmental sustainability dreamed of, can be met by using systems level analysis to create viable circular economies throughout society.
Establishment of Austerland Energy, near-scale and regenerative energy system.
Austerland Energy: Prerequisites for a local energy conversion // ReAusterland Energi Förutsättningar för en lokal energiomställning
These studies provide an overview of tomorrow’s most important circular resource flows, the ones that will make the most immediate and significant impacts.
Tomorrow's Circular Resource Flows // Morgondagens Cirkulära Flöden
Materials of the future & tomorrow's recycling system // Framtidens material & morgondagens återvinnings system
Ongoing circular economy development work for SDAB (Svensk Däckåvvinning), which does not market or sell recycled tyre material, and instead works to ensure that tyre end of life materials are recycled and reused within the context of a circular economy.
“Imagine a society in harmony with nature. A society that makes the best possible use of the resources it has already acquired. A society where the benefits of this level of care reach far beyond the divisions between industry, society and the natural world. This is what a world with a circular economy looks like. We can all work together to make this world a real possibility.”
Jonas Roupé
MSc Circular Economy Expert