In 2020, Covid 19 suddenly changed the world. In 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine, putting globalization on pause or reverse. Global warming is trending as scientists have predicted 30-40 years ago, but the hazards are coming faster than anticipated. The climate system is not divorced from the destruction of ecosystems. Nor are our economies or our societies. If we leave our destructive practices, earth’s carrying capacity could exceed 100 billion people.
Our economies are already more precarious. Society and the simple joys of everyday living now feel more precious. As we all discover new priorities, the resource efficiency of a circular world economy, and nature based solutions will be valued more than ever before. Local soft landing by adapting to what is coming, also called resilient societies, is becoming critical to people – and their businesses – across the world. While we all adjust to this new normal, work at Roupé quietly continues.
One Planet, How Many People? A Review of Earth’s Carrying Capacity